Build a Customer-Centric Revenue Engine

Get empowered with real-time insights into customer needs, and personalize engagement strategies-all through our advanced Audience Intelligence Platform.

Deal Insights

Identify what works and what doesn't

Lerno delivers real-time deal insights that help you make data-driven decisions, optimise your sales processes, and implement successful tactics.

Do More with Less

Boost productivity with advanced AI analytics

Quickly identify high-value opportunties.

Concentrate on closing deals rather than manual admin.

AI Qualification

Use popular frameworks like MEDDIC, MEDDPICC, BANT, or your custom criteria to streamline and improve the accuracy of your deal qualification process."

2-way CRM Sync

Import deal information into Lerno for a richer view. Send key insights into supported CRMs.

Deal Collaboration

Comment and share notes on key opportunities to keep the conversation going.